Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Mommy School ~ Ww is for Weather

We are back with Mommy School after a month long winter break!  Kai missed playgroup yesterday and today due to an eye infection.  We squeezed in some time to work on letter Ww.

We read What Makes the Weather? and followed it up with a weather craft.  We talked about which type of weather he likes most and he said, "sunny and cloudy". 

We did some weather printables and surprised me with his mastery of ABAB patterns.

Today, we made our winter scene craft.  I painted three of Kai's fingers to form the lowercase w.  Next, Kai used the end of a coloured pencil, dipped it into white paint and stamped it on the blue paper to make snow.  I drew the snowmen after the paint dried and Kai commented, "three handsome snowmen puppets"! 

Kai brought out the Leapfrog Fridge Words toy today, played it for a while and built a word with his name!

And finally, a walrus craft that Kai did in playgroup last November during letter Ww week.


Deborah said...

Oh I love the crafts you did for W. Super cute. I keep thinking that I need to do some with my 3 year old but I've done so many with the previous children that I think I'm a bit paper crafted out. Still hoping to get to some done in the future though. :o)

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