Thursday, 8 May 2014

Mommy School ~ Dd is for Dump Truck

We did the dump truck theme for two days.  The dump truck was my present for Keefe when he was two years old.  At that time, he was into construction vehicles.  It’s amazing that the dump truck is still in excellent condition after three years!  Kai loved playing with this.  Kai also enjoyed reading the book Driving through Tonka Town.  He particularly likes “driving” Chuck the Dump Truck as I read the book.

We used the dump truck to load uppercaseand lowercase Dd’s.  Kai unloaded and sorted them accordingly on his letter mat.  He wrote the letter Dd, dot-painted them and also used a small Chuck the Dump Truck toy to trace his letter.

Although Kai can now differentiate objects by their size (small, medium and big), colouring them by size seemed a bit confusing for his little mind.  He was trying to draw lines to connect the dump trucks with the same sizes instead of colouring them.  Kai continued working on his scissor, pasting and matching skills.

We made our dump truck craft today.  His favourite part was moving the letter D up and down! 

Kai likes to read his mini book about dump truck.  Here he was moving his dump truck up and down just like in the mini book!

Kai’s finished work for Dd is for Dump Truck


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